ESG Excellence

Our commitment to environmental stewardship, social responsibility, and governance excellence underpins every project we undertake.

Exemplary Environmental Stewardship

Energy Vision prioritizes environmental sustainability through our daily operations and policies, supported by ISO certifications (9001, 14001, and 45001). Our dedication to reducing carbon footprint is evident in our adherence to UN Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs), IFC, CDP, SASB, GRI, and TCFD standards.

Our on-site hybrid and solar power solutions are a leap towards a sustainable future, integrating advanced technologies to ensure the most reliable flow of green energy, while reducing our dependence on non-renewable power sources.

9 Million

Liters of diesel saved

22,108 Tons

CO2 emissions avoided

Driving Economic Development through Social Responsibility

Enhancing connectivity is key to unlocking access to vital services like education and healthcare, fostering economic growth within communities. At Energy Vision, our commitment to social responsibility is overseen by a dedicated Chief Compliance and ESG Officer, ensuring alignment with our ESG Management System and adherence to social goals, such as local workforce engagement. We prioritize diversity, inclusion, and economic empowerment within our workforce and communities, in line with SDG 5, 8, 10 and other global objectives for sustainable development.

  • 93%

    Local talent development

  • 57%

    Female board members

  • 0

    Lost time incidences or fatalities

Implementing Governance & Accountability

Strong governance practices and effective policies are fundamental to our success. Each operating country has an ESG Manager responsible for upholding governance standards. Our commitment to transparency and accountability is reinforced by our ISO certifications and robust governance structures.

Ethical Business Conduct

Through ongoing oversight by our board of directors, global and local ESG team and regular audits and reviews

Clear and Transparent Communication

And engagement with employees, financiers, customers, suppliers and the local communities

ESG Monitoring System

Integrates global standards such as the IFC Performance Standards, UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights (UNGP), and ILO conventions into our ESGMS

Forging Impactful Partnerships

As a telecommunications infrastructure leader, Energy Vision recognizes its role in driving positive change. Our partnerships focus on reducing greenhouse gas emissions, promoting clean energy (SDG 7), fostering innovation (SDG 9), and sustainable procurement (SDG 16). By aligning with UN SDGs, we aim to make a meaningful contribution to global sustainable development while ensuring long-term success.

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