Ethiopia Case Study

Ethiopia aims to connect all citizens by 2025 but lacks infrastructure in remote areas. Reliable electricity is needed to power network expansion goals.

Transforming Ethio Telecom Access: Energy Vision Powers Rural Ethiopia through Innovative Hybrid Power Solutions

Ethio telecom, Ethiopia’s largest telecom operator, faces unreliable grid connectivity in remote rural regions, with high infrastructure and operating expenses leading to high transmission costs.
At the same time, Ethio telecom aims to expand coverage and connect all citizens by 2025. They will do this by bringing another operator and provide hosting and service capabilities. Reliable power is needed to implement network expansion goals.


Since establishing operations in Ethiopia in 2022, Energy Vision has partnered with Ethio telecom to improve power reliability in existing sites (Phase I).
Energy Vision will also support the aim to connect all citizens by 2025 by providing solutions to multi-tenant needs, which is part of Ethio telecom market expansion goals (Phase II)

Operating across Ethiopia’s diverse regions and landscapes presents unique challenges. Energy Vision engineers tailor solutions to suit various climate conditions and terrains, while local staff and technicians navigate cultural and logistical complexities to ensure project success.

Energy Vision planned, procured, installed and maintains customized hybrid power systems, harnessing cutting-edge remote monitor and control.

Network Operation Center (NOC)


Hybrid Power System

24/7 NOC to Keep Networks
Running Efficiently

Energy Vision operates a 24/7 Network Operations Center (NOC) in Addis Ababa, remotely monitoring all sites using real-time Remote Management Systems (RMS) for proactive analysis and optimization.

Our comprehensive training program ensures local engineers and technicians receive ongoing instruction in the latest energy and telecommunications technologies, including health and safety procedures.

Our installations feature solar and hybrid systems, reducing diesel emissions compared to traditional power sources, reducing diesel consumption and CO2 emissions.

Energy Vision scope of deliverables include:

Plan, Supply and Install reliable
and highly efficient renewable DC power systems

(preventive & corrective)


Grid monthly
costs incurred

Upgrades during
the agreement period

Major Achievements

99.9% SLA

Local Jobs Created

and training implemented

Reduced CO2 emissions

Total Customer

Satisfaction Performance

Annual Expansion

per customer’s deployment plans

Communities previously challenged by network outages and downtimes due to grid fluctuations, will now enjoy consistent and reliable network availability. By implementing hybrid solar-diesel-battery power systems along with smart monitoring solutions at existing Ethio telecom sites, the risk of outages has been eliminated. With a steady supply of power from the hybrid solutions, network coverage across these communities is expected to be 99.9% available and uptime no longer compromised by unpredictability of the grid. The hybrid systems ensure uninterrupted power even during fluctuations or outages of the main grid, allowing Ethio Telecom to deliver consistent connectivity.

Diesel Consumption &
CO2 Emission

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